About features VIP status - Arma3

  • Hi,

    I've readed the VIP message and proposed features.

    I've questions about 3 features :


    - Eigenes Logo auf unseren Servern, dazu einfach Truppen URL Verwenden

    I've tested the URL and make XML related to my team. But does it possible to have on DRT Arma3 servers for my team?


    - Bauen ganz in der nähe der Stadt wird möglich sein.

    What is min distance from towns ? Currently I've 1.2km from Sellers and .05km from another terriroty (Altis-Exile-PVE)


    - Spezielle Fahrzeuge werden euch zur Verfügung gestellt, zB Munitions Truck

    In arma3 (Exile Altis PVE ), does this features is available ? and What kind of vehicules are available if more than 1 ?

    Best Regards.

    Olders french players !

  • I think you mean this

    REcopy from Gotteshand

    Dienstleistungen für Spender

    Here is a list of "services" for donors, donors and VIPs.

    - Own TS Channel

    - VIP status in the TS (free access to all channels)

    - VIP group within the forum

    - Own logo on all our servers, just use troops URL: http://armasquads.de/user/squads/xm…n9Apn/squad.xml

    - Moving Service: Every month you have the opportunity to move your vehicles, money, respect + items that you have on your body.

    - Vacation protection: We take care of your vehicles when you are on vacation (7 days limit), think you know what is meant.

    - Special actions such as for Christmas gabs a building as a Christmas present

    - For new releases of a server, the VIPs get access to this server in advance

    - VIPs are always involved in test runs of new scripts or servers

    - Building very close to the city will be possible.

    - Special vehicles will be provided, eg Ammunition Truck

    - ARK wish animal color in the ways of the game https://arkforum.de/wiki/index...y/430-Dino-s-einfaerbern/

    - In Control Panel you have the possibility to search your vehicles on all servers (Arma 3 Exile)

    - VIP server (access only for VIP) we should offer servers that cost extra money such as miscrated etc.

    - Own server for VIPler, current project eg Space Energiers (no limits etc)

    - Base restoration when forgetting to pay

    Let's see what we can think of :)

    Best regards, your DRT Team

    PS: There will soon be changes or additions

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