I've readed the VIP message and proposed features.
I've questions about 3 features :
Quote- Eigenes Logo auf unseren Servern, dazu einfach Truppen URL Verwenden
I've tested the URL and make XML related to my team. But does it possible to have on DRT Arma3 servers for my team?
Quote- Bauen ganz in der nähe der Stadt wird möglich sein.
What is min distance from towns ? Currently I've 1.2km from Sellers and .05km from another terriroty (Altis-Exile-PVE)
Quote- Spezielle Fahrzeuge werden euch zur Verfügung gestellt, zB Munitions Truck
In arma3 (Exile Altis PVE ), does this features is available ? and What kind of vehicules are available if more than 1 ?
Best Regards.